

Learning a (real) language with a (programming) language

I’m learning Mandarin at the moment, and whilst the grammar rules are fairly straightforward to understand on paper, actually getting that knowledge out of my brain and through my mouth without having to think for a good few seconds is… Continue Reading →

Miniature Colour Graphics TFT display (graph data python class!)

AndyPi’s latest product is a miniature colour graphic TFT display, 2.2″ wide with 320×240 pixels (we also have a small number of 1.8″ TFT’s at a bargain price) The sky is the limit as to what you could use this… Continue Reading →

Python Controlled LCD

You can output pretty much anything you want to AndyPi’s LCD. It is controlled using Python, making use of the wiringpi and RPi.GPIO libraries, but you can also use C. Step-by-step instructions below show you how to display your IP… Continue Reading →

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