

MagPi Article!

In December 2013’s issue of the MagPi (the Raspberry Pi community magazine), you can read AndyPi’s article (page 14-15)! A fuller description of setting up an LCD with Python is available on this website: Python Controlled LCD

Command Line Volume Control

I came across this useful little script when playing about with RadioPi – since I couldn’t here the text-to-speech output very easily when I was testing, and had no idea how to change the volume from the command line. You… Continue Reading →

RadioPi (Cheap Remote Monitoring!)

The Raspberry Pi has the ability to be a FM radio transmitter, with the addition of an antenna – you don’t need to buy or make anything else! Plug a 20cm ish long wire to GPIO04 (pin 7) and that’s… Continue Reading →

Python Controlled LCD

You can output pretty much anything you want to AndyPi’s LCD. It is controlled using Python, making use of the wiringpi and RPi.GPIO libraries, but you can also use C. Step-by-step instructions below show you how to display your IP… Continue Reading →


Although the Raspberry Pi camera is a cheap mobile phone sensor, and not up to the quality of dedicated hardware, nevertheless it can record full HD video and take 5 megapixel photos. Probably the main advantage is that, being Pi-driven,… Continue Reading →

AndyPi LCD with Volumio (RaspyFi)

AndyPi LCDs also work really well with Volumio (formely called RaspyFi). This distribution has been optimised for playing high quality audio (often through a usb DAC device hooked up to some high quality speakers). You can control it via any… Continue Reading →

RASPBMC Track Display LCD

PLEASE NOTE: RASPBMC is now not supported, this post is included for posterity (November 2015). Some people have reported success with OSMC and OpenELEC… see here: This is an inexpensive way of providing visual output for a Raspberry Pi… Continue Reading →

AndyPi LCD Wiring & Soldering Instructions

These instructions (and videos) give details for making up the AndyPi LCD kit (discontinued 2016), or making your own from scratch. It is very straightforward and just requires some soldering, and wire cutting. PART 1: Soldering To make up this… Continue Reading →

Raspberry Router (Wifi hotspot)

This tutorial gives a step by step guide to setting up your Raspberry Pi to work as a wifi hotspot, and to share an internet connection from the Ethernet port of the Raspberry Pi. Check out the first part of… Continue Reading →

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