
Displays & Lights

Wifi Controlled Mood Lighting with AndyPi PixelLights and Raspberry Pi

How about some mood cool lighting in your house powered by a Raspberry Pi? All you’d need is an AndyPi PixelLights strip (or compatible WS2801 RGB LED strip). Our first tutorial controlled the lights directly using python, but for this… Continue Reading →

PixelLights – WS2801 controlled RGB LEDs (RPi and Arduino) – New Product!

AndyPi has just released PixelLights – a strip of 6 RGB (red-green-blue) LED pixels controlled by the WS2801 chip. You can get them on – search AndyPi. It’s perfect for adding all manner of visual output to Raspberry Pi or… Continue Reading →

Raspberry Pi controlled WS2801 RGB LEDs

WS2801 pixels can create really cool displays – for longer strips you can turn them into a matrix, or shorter ones can be used for lighting effects, visual notifications or anything you can dream up! Below is a short guide… Continue Reading →

Sonic Ruler

AndyPi’s Sonic Ruler measures distances in the same way bats do – using ultrasonic sound waves! The circuit and code are both very simple, and it gives you an idea of how to use an ultrasonic sensor for more complex… Continue Reading →

Music Beats Visualizer (Spectrum Analyser)

Music Beats Visualizer is an Arduino controlled spectrum analyzer, which lets you visualize sounds according to their frequency. The input is an electret microphone, and the output is 6x WS2801 RGB LEDs. The lights change colour depending on the amplitude… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Media Centre addition – BerryGlow

A few years ago Phillips included something called AmbiLight on some of there TVs. Basically RGB (multicolour) LEDs are set into the rear of the TV, which reflects whatever you are watching – it looks extremely cool, makes for a… Continue Reading →

BT line Caller ID with AndyPi LCD & Raspberry Pi

AndyPi customer Pete has come up with a great use for an old USB modem plus a Raspberry Pi and AndyPi HD44780 LCD – a BT landline caller ID display! Thanks to Pete for providing the excellent instructions (PDF download).

WS2801 RGB LEDs and Arduino

WS2801 RGB LEDs WS2801 are a strip of RGB (red-green-blue) LEDs, and there colour and brightness can be in individually controlled. which means with some simple programming you can create some very cool effects (Not least of which is the… Continue Reading →

Miniature Colour Graphics TFT display (graph data python class!)

AndyPi’s latest product is a miniature colour graphic TFT display, 2.2″ wide with 320×240 pixels (we also have a small number of 1.8″ TFT’s at a bargain price) The sky is the limit as to what you could use this… Continue Reading →

MagPi Article!

In December 2013’s issue of the MagPi (the Raspberry Pi community magazine), you can read AndyPi’s article (page 14-15)! A fuller description of setting up an LCD with Python is available on this website: Python Controlled LCD

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