

Conditional formatting with Python Pandas

One of the features of spreadsheets I’ve always found useful is conditional formatting. You can easily highlight if a value is above or below a certain amount, for example to highlight negative figures. This can can dramatically improve readability. I… Continue Reading →

MailBluster Python API wrapper & **kwargs unpacking

I’m using Mailbluster for my email marketing / newsletter. It’s simpler and cheaper than Mailchimp, and a bit more user friendly than ‘Email Subscribers’ (for WordPress) that I’ve used in the past. It’s built on top of Amazons Simple Email… Continue Reading →

Video Cutting & HTML templates with Python

One of the best things about learning to code in Python is the ability to save yourself time by automating repetative tasks, or as Al Sweigart puts it, to “Automate The Boring Stuff”/. When I was faced with having to… Continue Reading →

Get your eBay sales statistics summary using Python & Pandas

As I’m expanding my online sales through eBay, I’ve found its quite difficult to actually find basic statistics of the monthly sales by item. This is quite important if you sell the same product over and over again, as I… Continue Reading →

Python for Mechanical Engineers – Rail Brake distance calculations

In the second post in this series on Python for Mechanical Engineers, we’ll do an example calculation to show the flexibility of Python and Jupyter labs. You can follow this tutorial with the code available on github.   1. Problem… Continue Reading →

Weather Monitoring – Part 3 – Calc Air Quality using Python Queues

Weather Monitoring – Part 1 – with ThingSpeak and Slack Weather Monitoring – Part 2 – Air Quality sensing with Shinyei PPD42NS Part 3 – This post It’s over a 2 years since the last time I worked on my… Continue Reading →

Publishing a Python Package on pypi (warehouse)

One of the great advantages of Python is the ecosystem of thousands of packages that you can easily add functionality to a project – and these packages are very easy to install – just: pip install package_name In this tutorial… Continue Reading →

Make code easier to read with explicitly named parameters in Python 3

One of the (few!) frustrating things I find when I’m either reading my own or someone else’s Python code is when I come across a function call like this(1): Arrrgh! Unless you are sufficiently up to speed with the function… Continue Reading →

5. Use a version control system (Python: beginner to pro in five steps)

Top five things to improve your coding (in no particular order): 1. Document your code (automatically) 2. Write Object Oriented code 3. Get acquainted with useful packages 4. Write tests for your code 5. Use a version control system (This… Continue Reading →

How to Deploy Multiple WordPress Sites Using Virtualmin and Ansible on Ubuntu 16

Digital Ocean and Vultr and other VPS providers have an ability to create a snapshot of a server to be reused, and easily spin up a server with your particular configuration – however that locks you in to their platform…. Continue Reading →

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